Scorpio Love Tarot – Take the Lead and They’ll Follow

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Your free Scorpio love tarot reading for June 2021 summary:

Oracle: I understand that nothing can grow or evolve without movement | Energies: mending; surrender

Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

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Current energies | Scorpio love tarot 

Oracle | Scorpio love tarot 

Scorpio Love Tarot - Change

Challenges need to happen for a change, and change is necessary for your growth. Life is pointless if we don’t embrace this growth. There is a certain comfort in the idea of living a life without surprises, Oracle says. But if your circumstances stay the same and you continue living around that comfort, then you deny yourself more experiences. You’ll never know, one of these experiences is magical and will bring you joy.

Stop viewing change as good or bad, because all change nourishes your soul, Oracle says. Don’t equate it with a lack of control. Instead, channel that energy of control on your own response to life’s shit. Inner strength is not really all about fighting back, but more of taming your inner demons. If hurdles do not come into your life, then you run the risk of living a boring life.

You can always direct how challenges play out, and you always have the power to accept a change that redirects your path. Trust the process, and most importantly, trust yourself. As mentioned, Scorpio-born individuals are the psychic intuitive, you can smell from afar what would happen next, and are equipped with all the faculties to deal with any situation.


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Categories: ScorpioZodiac


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