Taurus Love Tarot – In a Serendipitous Moment

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Your free Taurus love tarot reading for May 2021 summary:

Oracle message: I release the need to know all the answers | Energies: hopeful; ambitious

Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

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Current energies | Taurus love tarot

Oracle | Taurus love tarot

Taurus Love Tarot - DOUBT (Soul Journey Oracle)

Just because people are not like you, it doesn’t mean they’re doing it wrong. Everyone has his or her own path to awareness, and there is no right or wrong answer as long as your goal is to manifest the energy of love and compassion, Oracle says. Cultivate the seed of curiosity, instead of doubt. Ask questions if they need be, without advancing into your predetermined answers. You could be surprised if you ask without judgment.

The wisdom of the Divine tricks into the physical dimension and some of it will resonate with your soul and some will not, Oracle asserts. Keep those that resonate with you, and leave those that do not. Leave it back to the universe. Be aware of these nudges from the universe. Sometimes silence could bring you there. That means, just taking time to listen would cut it. Doubt is the energy of being overprotective, defensive, or rigidity. You have the power to change it to curiosity, adventure (just like your person’s energy), openness, and understanding.


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Categories: TaurusZodiac


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