Leo Love Tarot – It May Not Be the ‘Right’ Time

Published by A on

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Your free Leo love tarot reading for May 2021 summary:

Oracle: I feel good when I can help others | Energies: new love; heartache

Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A  /highfive!

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Oracle cards are for everybody. No tarot certification needed.

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Current energies | Leo love tarot 

Oracle | Leo love tarot 

Leo Love Tarot - SERVICE (Soul Journey Oracle)

My initial reaction when this card popped up was, “Awwwww”. It is so mature of you to heed your person’s needs first before your own. Service could be your language of love too, and you will be rewarded for that. One of the most evolved gifts that a soul possesses is giving of itself, Oracle says. Humble service and support for your person are not only beneficial to them, but also to yourself (unless you’re expecting the other to reciprocate with romance–that’s a different story).

When you give freely, you strengthen your heart space. Moreover, enriching another person’s life could be life-changing for you too. Continue doing this thing that you do, because it raises your own vibration and it gives you that plus points in positive karma. When the outcome doesn’t matter because it just feels good to be of service to others, then it would be easier for you to turn the wheel of fortune in your favor. 


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Categories: LeoZodiac


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