Libra Love Tarot: Hard Time to Let Go

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Your free Libra love tarot reading for July 2021 summary:

Oracle: I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to| Energies: feeling at fault; healing

Reminders and surprises in the video below. Thank you for visiting! I bow down to the light in you! – A /highfive!

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Current energies | Libra love tarot

Oracle | Libra love tarot

Libra Love Tarot: Perseverance

The power of intention may very well complement this wisdom from the universe. What exactly it is that you desire? And if you would look at your situation objectively, what do you think needs to be done which is for your highest good? If the answers to these questions are vague to you, then it is the right time for you to connect with your intuition.

You are the only one who knows the correct path to take, Oracle says. Your connection to the divine is your intuition–this is your inner wisdom and compass. Moreover, intuition goes without judgment, and it releases the ego. If the answers to the questions above are at the expense of your partner, then perhaps it’s about time to chase after whatever it is that will serve your highest good. And that’s where you will set your mind to. When there is a nudge within you to do something but you hesitate (that’s fear!), then most likely that’s the best action to take.

What your intuition tells you would never be about you because it’s always FOR you.

Sometimes we shy away from difficult decisions. Now is the time to make the proper changes and take risks and do things you never thought you could do before, Oracle asserts. Your soul must learn to become aware of that fortitude within you. Moreover, your soul will not yearn for something you can’t accomplish, no matter how difficult it seems.


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