Sagittarius love today – What do you need to release?
Oracle message: What do you need to release?
Your current energy: co-dependence
Your person’s energy: cooperation
readings per zodiac
Oracle message: What do you need to release?
Your current energy: co-dependence
Your person’s energy: cooperation
Oracle message: Work through your fears
Your current energy: humility
Your person’s energy: sad, contemplative
Hi! This is your almost-personal, free online oracle reading today. I am not a bot, and no need to sign up! /highfive! Oracle message: A personal issue reaches resolution Your current energy: hopelessness Your person’s energy: demanding Commercial! (a.k.a. loving reminders from A) I physically shuffle and take the jump Read more…
Oracle message: The energy is gaining momentum
Your current energy: emotional fulfillment
Your person’s energy: generous
Oracle: A personal issue reaches resolution
Your current energy: focused on career
Your person’s energy: passionate
Oracle message: You and your loved ones are safe
Your current energy: non-confrontational
Your person’s energy: lazy vibes
Hi! This is your almost-personal, free online oracle reading today. I am not a bot, and no need to sign up! /highfive! Oracle message: Step out of your comfort zone Your current energy: bitterness Your person’s energy: feeling lost and lonely Commercial! (a.k.a. loving reminders from A) I physically shuffle Read more…
Oracle message: Nothing is yet set in stone
Your current energy: contemplation
Your person’s energy: breaking rules
Oracle message: Believe in the impossible
Your current energy: celebratory
Your person’s energy: sulking
Oracle message: Meditate and contemplate
Your current energy: missing someone
Your person’s energy: workaholic